Sunday, January 29, 2012

How's Your Love Life?

My mom started asking me this question when I was in college, probably just to get information about guys I was dating without being nosy. While it was annoying back then, now it's become endearing. And these days it's even comical with my love life being a disaster.

While I also use this tactic to gleam information from some of my male and female friends, I also get this from other random outside folks. In fact, just today, I got a text from a guy who asked me, "On a side now, hows the love life?" To which I responded, "It's a disaster :)" His response? "Sorry to hear."

What?? Really?? You think I'm sad because I'm not dating anyone? It's actually quite the opposite. So I guess I want to clear up some misconceptions you might have when it comes to my love life. Just because I'm not dating, doesn't mean I'm unhappy. It means my true WOO is coming out. I'm relishing in the opportunities I get to explore new friendships, networking and other opportunities others may have to pass by due to the whole ball and chain thing. In fact, here are six reasons I am happy to be single. Reasons you may be a little envious of.

1) Leftovers are left. Yes, that cheesecake you kept in the fridge never mysteriously disappears. You don't have to hide the last slice of pizza where someone else won't see it. In fact, I left half of a dessert in the fridge after book club and enjoyed every last bite!

2) Double book as often as needed. On Tuesday, I went to a networking event to meet up with one friend and afterward, shared a conversation with another friend over dinner at a new Mexican restaurant. On Thursday, I went to open open house and enjoyed drinks afterwards with the girls. I never feel bad, I never check in. I just say, "Gotta go. Nice to see you."

3) There's no line. I never wait for the bathroom, to use the shower, etc. etc. etc. And I never place blame or complain about anybody's messes, because they're all mine.

4) The channel changing war is over. When I was in a relationship, I never had control of the remote. And even with the advent of dvrs and recording shows, it continues to be an issue. Now I watch what I want, when I want. "The Good Wife" on Sunday, must see TV on Thursday, etc.

5) My conversations don't include, "What's for dinner?" I think this may be the topic of conversation couples debate over more than anything else. It used to be done via phone and now it's text. Now that I'm single, I am never forced to waste a precious minute of my time on this topic. I come up with the idea, recipe and get what I need from the store.

6) My discretionary spending habit is never scrutinized. From the trip I'm taking to Cali for a half-marathon to the pumps I found on sale at the store, whatever it is, no one raises an eyebrow or bats an eye at how when or where I spend my money. 

So I guess what it comes down to, is I am happy to be in a relationship with myself. Most people I know don't get this opportunity until they'll well past their prime due to the loss or divorce of their significant other. Sooner or later this chapter of my life will come to an end, but until then, I'm owning it and am making the most of it.

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